Male Surgery

Increasingly, men too are utilising surgical and non-surgical treatments for both the face and body. Advanced Aesthetics offers a selection of male treatments and procedures tailored to teach patient. Gold Coast based plastic surgeon, Dr Dilip Gahankari is a highly experienced plastic surgeon who offers a range of different procedures for men. 

Is a body lift procedure for me?

Factors such as extreme weight loss can result in sagging skin and fat deposits in body areas such as the mid-section, lower torso and upper legs, as well as the abdomen, waist, inner/outer thighs, buttocks, and/or hips. A body lift procedure is designed to remove excess skin and fat.

What is a body lift procedure?

A body lift procedure varies with each patient, depending on the patient’s body type, skin type, desired outcome and other factors. Results and recovery will also vary for each patient. Typically a body lift procedure entails creating an incision that follows the upper and/or inner thigh to the waistline. In more extensive surgeries, the incision may run around the waist and lower back. Adjustments to the buttocks and thighs require an incision to be made at the crease of the buttocks.

During the procedure, following the incisions, excess skin is removed, as are excess, underlying fat deposits. Finally, the skin is pulled taught and sutured into the new position.

Liposuction may also be used in conjunction with a body lift.

What results can I expect from a body lift?

A body lift is an extensive and significant surgery. This surgery is tailored by Dr Gahankari to each patient, and as such the surgery, recovery and results will vary from patient to patient. This surgery is designed to remove sagging skin and excess fat deposits.
Patients who have undergone this significant surgery require plenty of rest and limited movement to recover. The scars resulting from the incisions are permanent. While they typically fade over time, the scars will typically always be visible.

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