While losing weight has many health and wellbeing benefits, many people are left unhappy due to the resulting excess or sagging skin. This sagging skin is often accompanied by fat deposits and cellulite. The common areas that these deposits can occur include the mid-section, lower torso and upper legs including the abdomen, waist, inner/outer thighs, buttocks, and/or hips.

A body lift surgical procedure removes the excess skin and fat, providing a solution to sagging or excess skin. After an initial consultation, Dr Dilip Gahankari will assess your individual case and tailor the body lift procedure to suit your specific needs and goals.

Is this procedure for me?

The precise body lift procedure varies with each patient, depending on the body type, problem areas and the desired outcome. Generally, a body lift entails making an incision that follows the upper/inner thigh to the waistline. In more extensive body lift surgeries, the incision goes around the waist and lower back. Adjustments to the buttocks and thighs during a body lift procedure require an incision at the crease of the buttocks. Excess skin is removed, followed by the removal of underlying fat deposits. Finally, the skin is pulled tighter and sutured into the new configuration. Liposuction can also be undertaken in conjunction with a body lift, to ensure the best possible result is achieved.

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