Breast Implant Revision

Some women who have received breast implants develop a problem or are unhappy with the implants due to a change in their body shape or circumstances.

Breast implant revision surgery is often undertaken by women who are not satisfied with the size, shape, look or feel of their existing implants.

Alternately, a patient may have developed capsular contracture, or have gained or lost weight, ruptured an implant or experienced a number of other complications. Additionally, all breast implants have a limited lifespan and need to be replaced after 15 to 20 years.

Breast implant revision replaces the original implant to correct issues identified. 

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Is this procedure for me?

During your initial consultation with Dr Dilip Gahankari the issues you are experiencing with your current implants will be discussed and a procedure will be chosen to address these concerns.

The breast implant revision procedure involves removing the original implants and in many case replacing them with appropriate implants.

There may also be some skin correction involved in the breast implant revision surgery, depending on circumstances.

In some cases, a decision is made to not to insert another implant.

The breast implant revision surgery is undertaken under general anesthetic as a day surgery. You will need to arrange a friend or family member to collect you from the hospital, as you will not be able to drive after your surgery.
