The size, shape and proportion of the nose has a dramatic impact on the overall appearance of a person’s face. A rhinoplasty procedure has the ability to reduce the size of a nose, restore damage from an accident or injury, or treat nasal deformities present since birth. Additionally, a rhinoplasty is often sought to help with issues other than cosmetic appearances, such as breathing difficulties.
Is this procedure for me?
A rhinoplasty most often involves reducing the size of the nose by removing and sculpting and refining the nasal tissues.
In some instances a rhinoplasty may involve a small procedure, such as addressing a small bump on the nose that requires correction, or a “complete” rhinoplasty” may be conducted, involving reshaping the entire nose.
During your pre-operative consultation, Dr Gahankari will examine the proportions of your nose, and perform an intra-nasal examination to determine which procedure is right for you.
What Results Can I Expect?
The results of a rhinoplasty are extremely unique to each individual. In general, nose surgery gives patients improved facial balance and an improved overall appearance. In many instances the rhinoplasty procedure is completed as a day surgery. Nasal packs, if used, are removed in 24 – 48 hours, with the external splint being worn continuously for at least 10 to 14 days. Most of the swelling and any bruising around the eyes subsides in 2-3 weeks of the rhinoplasty, as it is with most plastic surgery procedures. Subtle swelling subsides gradually and it can take up to 6 months to one year to see the final results.