Privacy Policy
Plastic Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Clinic
Exceptional Facilities
Dr. Gahankari and his staff respect your right to privacy and undertake to handle your personal information with professionalism and the highest degree of confidentiality.
The Federal Privacy Act incorporates the following National Privacy Principles that set out the rules for the handling of personal information in the private sector. In the interests of providing quality health care we have developed a privacy policy that complies with privacy legislation and the National Privacy Principles.
Patient Photographs
Patient photographs are an important part of every patient’s medical record and are used by Dr. Gahankari during surgery to deliver the highest possible quality of results. Following surgery, photographs will be required to record your result and assist in your aftercare. These photographs are only accessible by Dr. Gahankari and his trained staff. No photographs of any patient are used for educational purposes unless that patient has given prior documented consent for this use.
Some patients have provided consent for our staff to use their before and after photographs to assist other patients in their education process. These photos are viewed in the privacy of the rooms on a one to one basis with a trained patient adviser. No personal identification details are provided with these photos, however with facial and some body photographs, the patient may be visually identifiable only. We greatly appreciate those who provide our future patients with this educational privilege. Only photographs of patients who have agreed and given written consent to show their photographs are available.
It is necessary for us to collect ‘personal information’ from patients and sometimes others associated with their health care in order to attend to their health needs and for associated administrative purposes. Personal information is any information recorded about a person where their identity is known or could be reasonably worked out. We will be fair in the way we collect information about our patients. This information is generally collected directly from our patients, but from time to time we may receive patient information from other sources. When this occurs we will, wherever possible, make sure you know we have received this information. Personal information also includes photographs (see our “policy on patient photographs” above). If you are unwilling to provide any of the information we request please discuss it with us. In certain circumstances this may necessitate that you seek professional services elsewhere and not from us.
Health information is deemed sensitive information for the purposes of privacy legislation. This means that generally your consent will be sought to collect such health information that is necessary to make an accurate medical diagnosis, prescribe appropriate treatment and to be proactive in your health care.
Use and Disclosure
A patient’s health information is used (ie by this practice) or disclosed (ie to others) for purposes directly related to their health care and in ways that are consistent with patients’ expectations. In the interests of the highest quality and continuity of health care this may include sharing information with other health-care providers who comprise a patient’s medical team from time to time. In addition there are circumstances when information will be disclosed without patient consent such as:
Emergency situations
By law, doctors are sometimes required to disclose information for public interest reasons, eg mandatory reporting of some communicable diseases.
It may be necessary to disclose information about a patient to fulfil a medical indemnity insurance obligation and medical defence purposes.
Provision of information to Medicare or private health funds, if relevant, for billing and medical rebate purposes.
To credit agencies and debt collection agencies in the event of default on bill payment after fair warning.
Your involvement in unlawful activity.
In general, a patient’s health information will not be used for any other purpose without their consent. There are some necessary purposes of collection for which information will be used beyond providing health care, such as personal accreditation, quality assessments, clinical audit, billing and so forth.
Data Security
The storage, use and, where necessary, transfer of personal health information will be undertaken in a secure manner that protects patient privacy. It is necessary for medical practices to keep patient information after a patient’s last attendance for as long as is required by law or is prudent having regard to administrative requirements.
This practice has made this and other material available to you to inform you of our policies on management of personal information. On request this practice will let you know, generally, what sort of personal information we hold, for what purposes, and how we collect, hold, use and disclose that information.
Access and Correction
You may request access to your personal health information held by this practice. While not required to give reasons for your request, you may be asked to clarify the scope of the request.
Where such a request is made strict identification criteria are used so as information is not mistakenly disclosed.
Where necessary, you will be given the opportunity to amend any personal information held that is incorrect.
There are some circumstances in which access is restricted, and in these cases reasons for denying access will be explained.
A charge may be payable when the practice incurs costs in providing access.
The material where the doctor has copyright might be subject to conditions that prevent further copying or publication without the doctor’s permission.
This practice acknowledges the right of children to privacy of their health information. Based on the professional judgement of the doctor and consistent with the law, it might at times be necessary to restrict access to personal health information by parents or guardians.
Upon your request your health information held by this practice will be made available to another health service provider.
These are the numbers, letters or symbols that are used to identify you with or without the use of a name (eg: Medicare numbers). We will limit the use of identifiers assigned to you by Commonwealth Government agencies to those uses necessary to fulfil our obligations to those agencies.
You have a right to be dealt with anonymously, provided this is lawful and practicable. However, in the medical context this is not likely to be practicable or possible for Medicare and insurance rebate purposes. It could also be dangerous to your health.
Transborder Data Flows
Individual’s privacy is protected Australia wide by privacy laws. We will take steps to protect patient privacy if information is to be sent interstate or outside Australia.
It is important to us that your expectations about the way in which we handle your information are the same as ours. You should feel free to discuss any concerns, questions or complaints about any issues related to the privacy of your personal information with us. If you are still dissatisfied you can complain to the Federal Privacy
Commissioner, whose details are below.
Further Information
Further information about an individual’s privacy rights can be obtained from the Federal Privacy Commissioner’s office at:
Level 8, Piccadilly Tower
133 Castlereagh St
GPO Box 5218
Privacy Hotline: 1300 363 992
The address and contact details of this clinic are:
Suite 2, Level 1 AHC House
14 Carrara St, Benowa Q 4217
Telephone: 07 5539 4611
Website Disclaimer
This website & is owned by Dr. Gahankari trading as Advanced Aesthetics.
All material on this website is copyrighted. Information and photos may not be copied without written permission from Dr. Gahankari.
The information on this website is only an introduction to Advanced Aesthetics and is intended for information purposes. Plastic and cosmetic surgery is ever-evolving and some information on this website may no longer be current at the time of viewing.
The information on this website is not intended in any way to be, or replace, in person medical advice offered by Dr. Gahankari or other healthcare professionals.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information, Dr. Gahankari takes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in the information contained herein and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of such.
Dr. Gahankari and all employees of Advanced Aesthetics are not liable for any decision made or action taken in reliance upon the information provided through this web site, whether this be direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damage arising there from.
Although this website may contain links to other websites, Dr. Gahankari is not responsible for and does not endorse any information found on those websites.
Before and after photos in our photo gallery have not been re-touched or enhanced.
Results will vary from patient to patient and the before and after gallery may not reflect the outcome of your surgery.
Dr. Gahankari does not guarantee specific results.