Neck Lift

Ageing, sun exposure and gravity may result in changes to the structure of the skin in the neck area. The factors may result in deep creases and folds in the skin, and loose skin.  A neck lift is designed to tighten the skin in the neck and lower face areas.

Is this procedure for me?

A neck lift is typically performed on the neck and under jawline area, reducing loose and sagging skin which may be caused due to a thickening and sagging of the platysma muscle. The main goal of the neck lift surgery is the elevation of the upper back corner of the platysma muscle. This muscle is accessed through an incision around the earlobe, at the angle of the jaw. The neck lift procedure typically  takes between two to three hours.

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For many of us, when we look in the mirror the first signs of ageing that often catch our eye are the smaller lines and wrinkles around our eyes and mouth. Where we don’t often look for signs of ageing is our necks and yet the reality is; the neck can show visible signs of ageing, often before anything else.

The combined effects of the loss of elasticity and the harsh Australian sun can also take their toll on the appearance of our necks, leaving some people with ageing necks and unhappily looking much older than they feel. As we age, it is both our face and neck that become susceptible to sagging skin, excess fat and a loosening of the muscles. Fluctuating weight and heredity factors can also contribute to the appearance of an ageing neck, with both of these factors contributing to deep creases, folds and loose skin in the neck region.  A surgical neck lift procedure can be extremely effective in addressing these signs of ageing, while also restoring a more youthful
appearance to both the neck area and the lower face region.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?

A neck lift can only be performed surgically, though there are some non-surgical procedures that may help to delay the time at which a neck lift becomes appropriate. However, once the neck has visibly aged, one of the most common complaints amongst both women and men regarding their necks is the loss of contour and definition in the neck area that only continues to worsen over the years.

While both our face and our neck can exhibit unwanted characteristics of ageing, for some of us, it is the neck region in particular that can result in us looking old, and in some cases, looking even older than we actually are. For these patients, a surgical neck lift can produce excellent, targeted results.

Other ideal candidates for a neck lift are those who have lost a considerable amount of weight or those who have hereditary conditions that can contribute to the signs of a sagging neck. For these patients, it is the appearance of a “turkey neck” or a double, or even triple
chins that can be their most unwanted physical traits. Neck lift surgery can also correct these unwanted features by achieving a well-contoured and defined neck and jawline.

Many women and men also choose to undergo a neck lift surgery when they are younger as this can be a less invasive procedure than when it is undertaken as an older patient. By choosing to correct the signs of ageing in the neck area at a younger age, you can enjoy the
results of a youthful appearing neck for many years.

A neck lift surgery is also often paired with liposuction to remove the unwanted fat from the neck and chin area. With a neck lift and liposuction are both applied to the neck area, these two procedures can result in a much more slimmed and defined neck and jawline, resulting in patients looking and feeling much younger.

The Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty ) Procedure

For most of us, the drooping appearance of the neck is often due to a thickening and loosening of the platysma (neck) muscle. A neck lift surgery is usually performed to improve the appearance of the neck and the region under the jawline by reducing the skin that may be loose or sagging due to the ageing effects of the platysma loosening.

For the right patient, a neck lift can be a highly effective surgery that restores a more youthful appearance to the entire neck and lower face areas. By tightening the skin, the neck lift procedure can also eliminate the deep lines in the neck, as well as the dreaded “turkey neck” effect and the appearance of multiple chins.

As the ageing of the neck and the neck muscles is highly unpredictable, a neck lift surgery must be individually assessed and tailored by Dr Dilip Gahankari to suit your specific anatomy and your needs. A neck lift surgery with the highly skilled and qualified plastic surgeon Dr Dilip Gahankari will improve your overall appearance, creating a pleasing, more youthful and long-lasting result.

You can expect the neck lift surgery to create a smoother appearance of the neck, with the main aim of this surgery being the elevation of the upper back corner of the platysma (neck muscle). This is surgery is generally accessed through a small incision around the earlobe, at the angle of the jaw, with the neck lift procedure generally taking between less than three hours to complete.

What Results Can I Expect from a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is usually performed to improve the appearance of both the neck and under the jawline by reducing the loose and sagging skin that is most often due to the thickening and drooping of the platysma muscle.
By tightening the skin and muscles, the neck lift procedure can eliminate the appearance of
multiple chins as well as creating a generally smoother, less lined appearance to the entire
neck region. The incisions of a neck lift are typically small and heal easily. The scarring from this procedure is also minimal and the recovery time is generally short.

The Neck Lift with Other Procedures

Usually, our faces and necks will age in harmony, but if your neck looks like it is older than your face, then the neck lift performed on its own should achieve excellent results. However, this surgery is often accompanied by other procedures to achieve optimal results. 

As the face and neck tend to age together, for these patients a neck lift should also include the elevation of the lower face. A thorough evaluation with Dr Dilip Gahankari will determine the most appropriate course of action, suggested specifically to address your concerns and expectations.

Other procedures that are often performed in conjunction with a neck lift include fat transfer, liposuction, genionplasty (chin implant surgery), lips and cheek enhancement or eyelid surgery.  

The use of dermal fillers can also help to replace some lost bone structure, typically around the jawline area. Some added fillers to the upper mid face can also add a pleasing “lift” to the entire face, including the lower facial area. 

As with all of Dr Dilip Gahankari procedures, both surgical and non-surgical, the aim is to work with you to create as much balance and harmony to the face and neck as possible, while also retaining a natural and healthy appearance.

The Neck Lift Cost

To ensure the neck lift surgery is the right procedure for you, book a free and private consultation with Dr Dilip Gahankari. By reviewing your facial structure and discussing your expectations, Dr Gahankari can suggest the right procedure to suit your individual needs. 

The total cost of your surgery will be discussed with you during your free consultation with Dr Dilip Gahankari.